Tuesday, August 20, 2013

Momma's Boy for sure :)

Wow.. 2 blog posts in 1 day, I am on a roll.

My sweet little boy is 2 years and 7 months and loves his mommy. He loves his daddy and sister too but can't get enough of his mommy. Landon will ask for a kiss and he say's no these are mommy's kisses. Although, he was given a kiss by the cutest little girl at church a few weeks ago (they actually go to school together too)and I told him that those are mommy's kisses and he said.. "Mommy, we have to share." Too precious!

The sweetest thing happened the other day. I was walking out of my bedroom and Kipton said "Hey babe". I think I just about melted. So now he goes around calling me his babe. I know I am Landon's babe but I also know that Kipton won't call me that forever so I am going to cherish every little second of being called "babe".

1 comment:

♥Jodi said...

Love that Kip!! Such a sweet little guy!!