Monday, June 7, 2010

Bible story time

I couldn't help sharing this precious story with all of our family and friends....

Every night before bedtime Landon and I read a few bible stories to Laney and pray with her. We have been teaching her that Jesus lives in her heart, mommy's heart, daddy's heart and he also lives in the sky. We ask her every night where does Jesus live and she will tell us.. well a few nights ago this was how she responded:

Landon: Laney where does Jesus live?

Laney: In Laney's heart.

Landon: Where else does he live?

Laney: In Elmo's heart, Dora's heart and Ellie's heart (our dog).

How precious is that? She is really catching on and it blesses my heart so much.

She also prayed all by her self for the first time last week.... she said Dear Jesee, tank you. Amen.

Melts me!!

Laney's 2nd Birthday!

Laney had her 2nd Birthday party at the park in Midland and requested an Elmo party. I am not too big on the characters and such for parties but Landon reminded me that it was not my party but Laney's... so we made her day very special. She has talked about her "Elmo cake" for weeks. With all her family, friends and Elmo decor I think she had a great birthday. Three days before the party she came down with the stomach bug and had just gotten over it the day of her party.. so she wasn't fully her bubbly self but still had a good time.

Precious Birthday girl!

Laney blowing out her "2" candles

Laney's new Birthday ride

My precious family

Elmo cake and cupcakes

Thanks to all our family and friends for sharing this special day with us!

Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Our little Girl...


I don't think she quite knows of the big changes ahead but I am sure will adapt just fine. Landon asked her if she wanted a brother or sister and she said "no, I want Dora". Sorry sweet baby girl mommy cant have Dora or Elmo.

I had the "perfect" pregnancy with Laney. I only got sick once when I ate hot cheetos... hmm wonder why, lol. But so far I am 7 weeks along and this pregnancy has already been completely different. I am always hungry but when I have food can't eat much, morning sickness, sooo exhausted and just feel different all around. I know that it will all be worth it in the end. Don't get me wrong I am not complaining because I know I am very lucky to get to carry a precious baby! Our due date is January 21st and I pray that this baby is healthy and that Laney will adjust quickly to being a "BIG" sister.