Wednesday, October 2, 2013

My little Fishy

What a whirlwind of a week already. We started Laney in swimming classes at COM. She goes two times a week, which is going to keep us busy busy. She has always loved the water and really not scared of it but I felt it was important to get her some lessons so she is real comfortable with it. She loved her first lesson but her brother on the other hand was not happy at all he couldn't get it. He can start in Decemeber when he almost three. Hopefully he can hold out until then :) They do parent tot lessons but I would rather him be by himself with a teacher. Plus I am not feeling up to being in a bathing suit twice a week for some reason.

Kip and I waiting on his sister to finish her swim lessons.

Laney jumping in from the side of the pool.

For now Laney is hoping to join a swim team but we will see how she feels after lessons. She is also wanting to start gymnastics again and play soccer. We have an active little girl on our hands.

1 comment:

♥Jodi said...

She looks right at home in that swim suit! I knew she would love it!! I bet she is swimming by herself in no time.