Monday, June 7, 2010

Bible story time

I couldn't help sharing this precious story with all of our family and friends....

Every night before bedtime Landon and I read a few bible stories to Laney and pray with her. We have been teaching her that Jesus lives in her heart, mommy's heart, daddy's heart and he also lives in the sky. We ask her every night where does Jesus live and she will tell us.. well a few nights ago this was how she responded:

Landon: Laney where does Jesus live?

Laney: In Laney's heart.

Landon: Where else does he live?

Laney: In Elmo's heart, Dora's heart and Ellie's heart (our dog).

How precious is that? She is really catching on and it blesses my heart so much.

She also prayed all by her self for the first time last week.... she said Dear Jesee, tank you. Amen.

Melts me!!

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