Wednesday, July 24, 2013

And the worst mother award goes to......

We took the kids and cousin Parker to a Rockhouds game with our church small group back in June. The kids played on the playground, ate snowcones, rode the train around the field, just had a great time. When we were leaving Laney and her little friend were chasing each other (even after I said too many times to stop running), Laney tripped and landed on her arm. She was quick to let the whole stadium know that she was in pain. She cried on the way home. We looked at the minute we walked in the door but there was no brusining, no swelling, she didn't complian if you squeezed her arm or touched it. So we put some ice on it and sent her to bed. Not much mention of her arm the next day or the next. She would mention that it hurt every now and then but when asked which arm it was that hurt she couldn't even tell you which one it was. I thought, well maybe she just likes the attention. We went to Ruidoso with some friends the next weekend, where she fell again on her hurt wrist.... that is when I knew maybe we should just go get it checked out on Monday. So, here comes Monday we take her to the doctor and the poor little thing has a bow/bend fracture and part of the bigger bone on the end chipped. The doctor put her in a removable cast for 8 weeks. Luckily the 8 weeks puts us the week before she starts Kindergarden. I felt like the worst momma! But I think I have learned a few valuable lessons .. 1)my little princess may be all girl but she seems to tolerate pain pretty darn well 2) Broken bones don't always mean you should see bruises and/or any swelling.

So to finish off my title: The worst mother award goes to: ME!

First day with her cast!

Update: We are now on week 3 of having a cast and the bone is healing great. The doctor thinks only 3 more weeks and she can take it off. Since it is a removable cast, she can now take it off for bath time, eating and just sitting around. She is super excited about that. The cast is stinky, makes her arm itch and just gets in the way of her playing and writing.

This sign is passed between the girls in my office. Guess it was just my turn.

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