Monday, May 3, 2010

M&M's Galore!!

Laney did it! She is all potty trained. I will have to admit that we have attempted to potty train several times before with no such luck. I knew that with Laney only being 23 months it was a long shot but I just felt that this was the week.. and sure enough my mommy intuition was right. We started last Tuesday wearing panties and all. I cleaned up my fair share of pee but it didn't take but a few messes for her to realize that she should try the whole potty thing. By that evening she peed in the potty. Of course I was thinking that was just an accident or she is just teasing me. The next day she had a few messes but also went in the potty a few times. By Thursday she had it down. We still haven't overcome going #2 in the potty yet but that will come eventually I know it! All it took was princess and Elmo panties, a big jar of M&M's (which are almost gone) and a proud mommy and daddy! It is hilarious to watch her when she goes because she gets super excited!! I dreaded potty training but now that it is over and I see the excitement in Laney it makes me so happy! We for sure have a big girl on our hands and we couldn't be prouder ;)

Laney on her Elmo potty

Of course I had to get a picture of the undies... I could squeeze that lil booty all day....soooo cute :)


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