Monday, March 1, 2010

Our weekend!

Thought I would share a few pics from our fast and furious weekend. We got to spend a short amount of time with my parents, grandparents, Aunt and Cousins. Laney had a fun time playing with her second cousins. Graham is only 3 days older than Laney and Devan just turned one. I didn't get any pics of Graham but got a couple of Devan. They are all just at the right age to really enjoy each other!!

Sweet second cousins!

Devan was not too sure about this lovey dovey stuff :)

Papaw was chasing them around and they we screaming their little heads off. They had a blast.

Memaw fixed her great grandkids some oranges... O's as Laney would call it.

We don't get to see my Aunt and cousins that often so we were excited to spend time with them.

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