Monday, March 28, 2016

Kingston Fain Hayes

Well, as many of you know... Kingston Fain made his debut on Wednesday, January 27th at 12:33 pm. He was a big boy measuring 8 pounds, 4 ounces and 22 inches long of pure perfection!

We went in at 3 am to be induced. Started the pitocin around 4 am, my water was broke around 8 am. This was by far the easiest and fastest delivery of them all. I had great nurses and Landon and my mom by my side.

The nurses in the nursery named Kingston, Mr. Bubbles because he was constantly blowing spit bubbles. They also named him "choker" because he kept choking. Our pediatrician ended up flushing out his body and said it may have been caused by swallowing some amniotic fluid during delivery. Luckily he grew out of the choking stage within days.

Here comes the picture overload. All we heard (and still hear) is "wow, look at all that hair".

First picture as a Family of 5!
We couldn't have done it without Nanny and Papa. They took care of our other babies, Laney and Kip during our hospital stay!   
Going HOME!!
Big sister!!
Big brother!
They both have adjusted so well. They are in love with their little brother and constantly arguing about who gets to hold him next ;) We are so blessed by these three babies!
Cousin Parker getting baby snuggles!
A fun picture of all 3 babies!! Kipton and Kingston sure do look alike here!

We are so thankful for our friends and family who have loved on us, supported us, brought meals by, sent flowers, came by for a visit. We appreciate you all and are so blessed!

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