Wednesday, January 13, 2016

Kingston updates!

We had a sonogram at 34 weeks, and sweet Kingston measured 6 pounds, 2 ounces and was measuring a week and a few days ahead. He is a big baby!!! At this appointment, Dr. Doke said that my amniotic fluid was measuring a little high. Normally this is caused in mothers who failed their diabetes test, or mothers whom have had pregnancies before with high fluids (neither of which is me). He said it was nothing to be concerned with. The only thing it meant with me, is more frequent sonograms to make sure the little guy isn't under any stress.

I am 36 weeks and 3 days along today and little Kingston is tracking ahead of schedule. By the looks of things he is 96 percentile, and most of his weight is coming from his tummy. I had a sonogram on Monday (36 weeks and 1 day) and he was measuring 7 pounds, 13 ounces. My amniotic fluid was even higher this sonogram but he is breathing perfectly, so Dr. Doke is not concerned. I am also dilated to a "2"..eeeekkk! He has completely dropped and my body is telling me, we will be meeting this sweet boy pretty soon. I went ahead and scheduled to be induced Wed Jan 27th, but I am still thinking it will be sooner. We will see ;)

His poor nose is smooched up against my placenta. The guy has run out of room thanks to my high fluids and him being so big. lol

I go in again this coming Monday for another sonogram (which will be weekly) until I have him.

Meanwhile, Landon has been working his tail off in his nursery and it is finally complete. I am so in love with the way it turned out!! He ripped up carpet, laid wood tile floor, put in a new fan (the brass just wasn't going to cut it) and changed out door knobs and hinges.

This is the same crib that we had for Laney and Kipton. Landon made the sign above his bed and I love it!!

Love his gallery wall!!

Custom curtains that Landon and I worked on almost all day a few Saturdays ago. He has a huge window and they turned out way better than I could have hoped for.

This was at 35 weeks. Proud brother, can you tell?

We are so ready to meet you Kingston Fain and are ready when you are!!!

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