Thursday, August 28, 2014

First Grade!

Big things happening around here. Laney started first grade this week. I cannot believe it. I feel like we just skipped right over kindergarten. It seems when you add a second kiddo in the mix it goes even faster. We will blink and have both kids in school soon... eeek!

We went to meet the teacher on Monday. We requested Laney to have Mrs. Power because my mom happens to know her and goes to church with her. There is only 3 first grade teachers at Pease so it is easy to get your requests filled. She is a super duper sweet lady, so we were super pumped for Laney to get the year with her.

Leading up to meet the teacher Laney wasn't ready to go back to school. We had her at Miller's gym during the summer. She swam every Tuesday, visited the museum, went to the movie theaters and even a few trips to Mr. Gattis (gag). Needless to say she had a fun summer. Not to mention the tons of trampoline and gymnastic time she got there.After leaving meet the teacher she was excited and ready to start right away ;) I have to admit that Landon and I were ready for her to start as well.. Miller's was like paying for daycare all over again but just more... boo.
Our little First Grader :)

Just a family selfie..ha

Her first day of school was yesterday and she had a great day. She pretty much knows all the kids from last year so that was good and a relief for me. Her best friend from last year is in a different class but they still see each other at lunch, recess and p.e.  
 We took her to a restaurant of her choice (she choose Olive win) and ice cream after school so we could hear all about her day.

 Love this sweet girl and her love for learning. We are excited to see what this year holds and pray that Laney's words and actions would be encouraging to her friends and teachers and also pray for her teachers that will be pouring into her life.

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