Tuesday, April 8, 2014

~Spring break 2014~

We didn't have much of a spring break planned. Landon and I both had work, Kipton was in daycare but Laney was out of school. Landon and I took turns staying at home with her while the other worked.. so we decided we would take a quick trip to Abilene and take the kids to the zoo for a little fun. My mom joined us and we we also met up with my grandparents who are from Baird, 20 minutes away.

We planned on grabbing a quick bite to eat, then head to the zoo. We arrived for lunch and it started pouring... oh no! The last trip we took to the Abilene zoo it rained and stormed. So instead of a quick lunch we took our time, ran to a couple of stores while we waited for it to clear up. Luckily an hour later it stopped raining and we headed to see the animals.

Overall a great trip, but defintley not the most eventful spring break :)

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