Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Potty Training Here we Come!!!

So.. we are about to try to take a huge step in our lives and in Laney's... potty training! I really think that Laney is ready or at least getting there. Every time we are in the bathroom Laney gets so excited and yells "Tee Tee".  She will also hold her diaper and say "Tee Tee".  I was told to go ahead and buy her a little potty so that she can sit there when we go and that will get her used to the potty. I found an Elmo potty (since she is obsessed with Elmo lately) and she has not had a single problem with sitting on her big girl potty!! She runs in the bathroom and says "Momo". She is so smart so I am hoping that she picks this up with no problem.. we shall see! She hasn't actually tee-teed in the potty yet but she has done sooooo well with sitting on it. Actually tonight when we were giving her a bath we sat her on the potty for a few minutes then she got up and stood beside the bath tub and peed there. She is our little stinker :) But I know with time she will catch right on!

It is so crazy how things change when you become a parent. I would have never thought I would be buying my daughter Elmo and Dora things. The things that annoyed me now I find myself getting excited over because they are so cool to Laney. I was actually looking for Laney some Elmo pajamas for Christmas since she is so in love :) SO funny how things change!! I actually really like the change. I am hoping to buy tickets for Laney to see Elmo Live.


♥Jodi said...

Dora?? Really??? I was hoping to skip past that one but I guess it doesn't look that way :( HA

Hayes Fam ♥ said...

I know really! She saw her on t.v. once and now always wants to watch her. I haven't bought anything Dora yet but every time we are in Toys R Us she always sees her and wants her.... maybe we can get away with it :)