Tuesday, October 27, 2009


I saw this on a friend's blog and decided to fill one out myself!

I AM... a mommy to a precious busy busy 17 month old and a wife to a wonderful husband who I would do anything for!

I WANT... to have my house completely unpacked and things hung up on the wall. It is driving me crazy having things laying around. You would think that being here for a month already things would be done but it seems that there is not enough time in the day.

I HAVE... a blessed and wonderful life. Sometimes we take for granted what we have until it's gone. I thank God every day that I have with my precious family.

I KEEP... too much!!! But this move I have let go of alot of things. I have 5 boxes and 2 huge plastic trash sacks full of things we are giving to goodwill. WooHoo- we have more space now.

I WISH I COULD... heal Landon's throat right now so that he is not in any pain. We are hoping that the heart burn medicine will clear it up and that nothing else is wrong medically.

I FEAR... losing my loved ones.

I HEAR... music that Laney is dancing too. (A Kid CD)

I DON'T THINK... I like the cold weather. I'm ready for it to hot again so that Laney and I can go swimming during the day.

I REGRET...NOTHING!! The things I have gone through is what has made me who I am today and helps with talking to teens about it.

I LOVE... the place that God has put us in for this time in our life. Our youth group is amazing and the people in Tahoka are wonderful! We fit right in :)

I AM NOT... good at hiding my emotions. If I am sad, mad, or want to cry you will probably know.

I DANCE... only when nobody is watching. I don't want to be laughed at :)

I SING... to Laney all the time.. and to Landon :)

I NEVER... want to be alone.

I CRY WHEN I WATCH... Laney do the sweetest things like give kisses and long hugs, when she said momma and dada the first time, the first time she blew a kiss..... all her firsts it seems.

I AM NOT ALWAYS... on time. One of Landon's pet peeves. I try hard to get ready in time but it doesn't always happen!

I NEED... groceries.

I SHOULD... be switching over the laundry.

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